
Parish Council Powers

The Parish Council has powers laid down in the Local Government Act 1972 and other legislation. For details click here. Its responsibilities include management of open spaces, recreational facilities, play equipment, footway lighting, allotment provision, provision of litter and dog waste bins and seats. The Parish Council is able to fund other projects where it considers that the community will benefit and makes representations to other local authorities and public service providers where appropriate on planning and other matters.

Other services are the responsibility of Buckinghamshire County Council including refuse collection, recycling facilities, planning and building regulations, environmental health, housing advice, noise nuisance, highway matters, education, footpaths and bridleways, home care, libraries, public transport, social services and trading standards.

Buckinghamshire County Council 

The Council works closely with our Buckinghamshire Councillors - Cllr Chris Poll, Cllr Derek Town, and Cllr Peter Brazier


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