25th Repair Café 9.30 – 12.30 at the Pitstone Pavillion
19th Flower Club. Methodist Hall. 7.30.
21st-23rd Panto Goup’s Cinderella. Village Hall
22nd Repair Café. Pitstone Pavillion. 9.30 – 12.30.
Would you like to join a friendly group of 10 to 20 other players who meet twice each month for a social morning of playing bridge? If so why not join us at the Bowls Club on the second and fourth Thursday in each month at 9.30am.
For more details contact Duncan on Tel 07713 041333 or email .
Mid-Week Rambles First Wednesday of each month - Meet at The Green 9.15am
WI Rambles Third Wednesday of each month - Meet at The Green 9.15am. (Non-WI welcome)
Wing Hall Snooker Club, Wing
The membership is £25 per year April to March.
2 full size tables 50p for 10 mins play = £3.00 per hour
In the village hall, upstairs.
Free parking in Wing
Free tea and coffee
Snooker club operated by obtaining a key from a member in the Wing village.
Club open 7 days a week, 24h a day
I offer a free session "try before you take up membership"
Anybody wanting further details or to join please contact:
David Turner on 07392 482415
To Post a Notice email details of your event to
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