
Cheddington Wins Best Kept Village 2014

best kept signCheddington, which was entered into the 1500 – 3000 population category, was nominated by its parish council and was particularly praised for its inclusive activities and facilities, as well as the number of young people who are involved in village life.

Council chairman Rob Grant said: “It is fantastic news! In Cheddington we’ve always been proud of our community and try to make it a friendly place to live.  As well as seeing villagers smile and wave at each other, Cheddington is a hive of activity for both young and old. We’ve got a youth club, a youth football team, Cheddington Scout Group and Cheddington Youth Drama.” said Councillor Grant.  “The Scouts do something nearly every night in the village, and they are always holding lots of fundraising events.  The adult community are also busy bees, involved with, among other clubs, football, tennis, bowls, amateur dramatics, and a large WI."

The awards are based on various categories covering community life, business, young people, older people, environment and information communication technology. The contest was run by Bucks Best Kept Village Competition Committee, whose chairman Richard Pushman said: “All the entries displayed much evidence of good village life with numerous activities and community participation.”

Published: 24 October 2014 (updated 24/10/2014)

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