
Cheddington History Society

 Our New Programme for 2024-25:


16th September - AGM followed by The Tring Local History Website - Alan Warner and Oliver Partridge

21st October - The Mitfords in the Cotswolds - Muriel Pilkington

18th November - The Commonwealth War Graves Commission - Mike Chapman


20th January - Ladies of the Grand Tour - Jean Yates

17th February - History of Almshouses and their use today - Simon Smith

17th March - The Story of Halton House - Trixie Brabner

14th April - Al Capone - Roger Mason (on the Second Monday this month)

19th May - Trench Humour in the First World War - Stephen Barker

In addition, we usually organise a couple of visits in the summer period.  Membership is £14 for the year, visitors pay £4 for a talk.  We meet at the Methodist Church by the Green at 8 p.m., normally on the third Monday of the month.  Be great to see you there !

For all enquiries, please contact John Smith email

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