
Cheddington Neighbourhood Watch


Adrian Burroughs
Communications Area Co-ordinator
m: 07817 377637


Cheddington NHW has a very active group of volunteer Co-ordinators whose aim is to keep our residents safe by making them aware of crime, suspicious activity and scams as well as other topics that affect our village.

The Co-ordinators stay connected via face to face meetings and/or a WhatsApp group which enable them to communicate quickly and also share ideas about how they can continue to keep our village a relatively crime free place to live.

If you are interested in becoming a Co-ordinator or would like to receive NHW email messages for your street then please contact me. We also have NHW window stickers which are free for residents.

Please do report crime or suspicious activity to the police. Call 999 for a live incident or emergency and 101 following an incident or for a non-emergency. You can also update me using the email address at the top of this page.

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