
Cheddington Methodist Church

Cheddington Methodist Church

Minister Rev Noreen Daley-Lee   tel no:  01525 240083



Some of the major themes for Lent: Forty days, desert, repentance, discipline, fasting and prayer all have their place in this movement. It is a pilgrimage towards Easter and is one of the most complex of the Christian seasons.

Some people see it as a dreary and dour season.  For others it all began when Jesus spent some time in the wilderness.  Among the Gospel writers, Mark expresses it most succinctly.  Jesus has just been baptized by John in the River Jordan, when the Holy Spirit descended on him like a dove and immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness for forty days; tempted by Satan; was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him. (Mark 1:12-13)

Perhaps the wilderness could be a good place for it is a place of encounter and revelation.  ‘Wilderness’ recalls the place where the People of Israel were ‘tested’ for 40 years after their exodus from Egypt.  Moses also went on a 40 day fast in the wilderness of Sinai (Deuteronomy 9.18) and Elijah a similar fast near Mount Horeb (1 King 19.8). Those were not times of temptation but times of testing. Matthew and Luke present Jesus as one who has passed the test, with his integrity and relationship with the Father intact. The desert becomes a place of growth and grace.

But for others Lent was influenced by the nineteenth century hymn, ‘Forty days and forty nights’:

Forty days and forty nights
thou was fasting in the wild;
forty days and forty nights
tempted, and yet undefiled.

Sunbeams scorching all the day;
chilly dew-drops nightly shed;
prowling beasts about thy way;
stones thy pillow, earth thy bed.

We also think of ‘giving up’ or abstaining from certain foods and drink during Lent which echo Jesus’ own fasting in the wilderness, leaving him hungry, thirsty and vulnerable to the temptation to turn stones into bread at the end of the 40 days.

However, some scholars and liturgists see more to Lent than sojourn in the desert at the beginning of Jesus’s ministry, but a journey to the cross and the empty tomb when it climaxes with those who are baptized at Easter. I am so pleased that Kyle and Jasper will be baptised at Cheddington Methodist Church on Easter Sunday.

Others also believed that in a season that is certainly complex, the wilderness experience is very much part of the tradition. It is a matter of putting the emphasis as much on Lent as following Epiphany as upon Lent preceding Easter. It is even more complex to establish a 40-day season. If Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, we reach Day 40 on Palm Sunday.  If we begin on the first Sunday of Lent, sometimes called Quadragesima we reach Day 40 on Maundy Thursday. But if we eliminate Sundays, because every Sunday celebrates the resurrection, we are back to 40.

With all its complexities we are called to embrace the different layers of Lent whether we think of it as a pilgrimage or journey in the desert that results in encounter, revelation, growth, grace or tradition. 



 We welcome everyone to come along to our church to share in our worship and other activities. Services begin on Sundays at 10.30 am unless otherwise stated.

Sunday 2nd February 3pm  Rev Richard Atkinson
Sunday 9th February Mr Brian Stabler – Reader Service
Sunday16th February Rev Noreen Daley-Lee
3.30 pm Messy Church
Sunday 23rd February Rev Arthur Cowburn – Service of Holy Communion – Joint Service with Wingrave Methodist Church at Cheddington
Sunday 2nd March 3pm Rev Hee-gon Moon
Sunday 9th March Rev Noreen Daley-Lee – Family Service
Sunday 16th March Rev Charlotte Church – Service of Holy Communion
3.30 pm Messy Church
Sunday 23rd March Mr Arthur Sara
Sunday 30th March Mr Pete Honeyball  – Joint Service with St Giles at the Methodist Church


For all parents/carers of pre-school children and babies, join us in the Chapel schoolroom on Monday mornings 9.30 – 11.00 during term time for a gentle start to the week. There are toys, activities and refreshments (including toast!) and a warm welcome. Contact Cathy Craft email:   

OPEN DOORS – Friday morning 10.30 a.m – noon at the Methodist Chapel.
This is an opportunity for all to meet/socialise each Friday morning and have a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit/cake.  Contact Stuart Minall email: for more information.

MEN’S GROUP:  This usually meets on the first Friday of each month at 10.45 am to noon.  Contact: Chris Shepheard on 661849.

The Singalong Café will be held on Tuesday 11 March 2.30–4.30 pm at the Methodist Chapel. It will be led by, Karen, Cathy and Trevor who are all accomplished musicians. Do come along and join us and bring a friend or two, particularly those who might otherwise be at home alone.  Refreshments will be included thanks to two willing volunteers. 

BOOKS and JIGSAWS:  A collection of paperback books and jigsaws for buying or borrowing;  if you are able to make a small donation that would be appreciated.  Do come and have a look to see if there is anything of interest to you.  The schoolroom is usually open 9.30 – 11 am on Monday mornings during term time or Friday mornings 10.30 – 12 noon.  If you have paperback books, in good condition, or jigsaws that you would like to pass on do bring them along.

WARM SPACES:  The Methodist Schoolroom will be open on Fridays 12 noon to 2.00 pm for a soup lunch for all those who would like to meet together. Donations of tins of soup or bread, tea/coffee or biscuits can be dropped off at the Chapel on Fridays from 10.30 am. This is a Churches Together initiative in conjunction with the Parish Council to whom we are most grateful for their financial support.  All enquiries to Cathy Craft email: 

For those people with hearing aids, we have an induction loop system installed and working in the chapel.

Schoolroom Bookings: A projector and screen are available.   For all enquiries, please contact Janet Banham,  Tel. 660205 or email .

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