
Cheddington Methodist Church

Cheddington Methodist Church

Minister Rev Noreen Daley-Lee   tel no:  01525 240083


Kairos or Coincidence?

Is there such a thing as coincidence in the Christian vocabulary?  Within a short period of time, I’ve had three incredible experiences which I rule out as coincidence, but I term ‘Kairos moments’ - the right or critical moment for a crucial action.  I was in my office and the Holy Spirit prompted me to call two members who acknowledged the timeliness of my call as one of them was about to have a hip operation. 

On the second occasion, the Holy Spirit prompted me to call another member who unbeknown to me was celebrating his birthday.  

The third experience occurred while I was leading service at Swanbourne Methodist Church.  For the very first time, I asked the congregation if they had any prayer requests.  Surprisingly, one of the members shared that her daughter had a blood clot in her lung.  I prayed for her.  This young lady returned to church and shared, “I believe that when you prayed for me, my pain eased, and I am going to make it a commitment to come to church once each month.”

I know within myself that these experiences were not coincidence or random action but Kairos moments where the living breath of God through the Holy Spirit moved me to get in touch at poignant moments in the lives of His children.

 My desire is for 2025 to be a year where at the heart of ministry I do my best to be led by the Spirit so that I could discern those Kairos moments. We have been journeying with a close family friend from the very beginning of her terminal pancreatic cancer diagnosis.  During the Christmas I was moved to visit her in the hospital because I felt that I needed to see her.  I anointed her with oil with faith that she will rise in glory.

Deep within, I want to be able to recognize even more the Kairos moments – those God moments when I am certain that I am led and guided by the Holy Spirit. As we open our hearts to God and allow His Holy Spirit to work within us, we can experience those Kairos moments - the God moments where we are confident it is not coincidence.

Scripture is filled with Kairos moments that rule out coincidence.  Jesus is presented as one who knows the Kairos moments.  Think of that story when he decided to visit Samaria.  He knew that the Samaritan woman was visiting the well in the noon day heat after being estranged from her community.  That Kairos moment transformed the life of this woman and broadened the ministry of Christ, “Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done! He cannot be the Messiah, can he?” They left the city and were on their way to him.’ (John 4:29-30)

 What we term as coincidences are Kairos moments.




 We welcome everyone to come along to our church to share in our worship and other activities. Services begin on Sundays at 10.30 am unless otherwise stated.

Sunday 5th January 3 pm Rev Richard Atkinson 
Sunday 12th January Mr Arthur Sara
Sunday 19th January Mr Ken Harris
3.30 pm Messy Church
Sunday 26th January Mr Pete Honeyball – Service of Holy Communion
Sunday 2nd February 3pm  Rev Richard Atkinson
Sunday 9th February Mr Brian Stabler – Reader Service
Sunday16th February Rev Noreen Daley-Lee
3.30 pm Messy Church
Sunday 23rd February Rev Arthur Cowburn – Service of Holy Communion – Joint Service with Wingrave Methodist Church at Cheddington


For all parents/carers of pre-school children and babies, join us in the Chapel schoolroom on Monday mornings 9.30 – 11.00 during term time for a gentle start to the week. There are toys, activities and refreshments (including toast!) and a warm welcome. Contact Cathy Craft email:   

OPEN DOORS – Friday morning 10.30 a.m – noon at the Methodist Chapel.
This is an opportunity for all to meet/socialise each Friday morning and have a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit/cake.  Contact Stuart Minall email: for more information.

MEN’S GROUP:  This usually meets on the first Friday of each month at 10.45 am to noon.  Contact: Chris Shepheard on 661849.

The Singalong Café will be held on Tuesday 11 February 2.30 – 4.30pm at the Methodist Chapel. It will be led by Karen, Cathy and Trevor who are all accomplished musicians. Do come along and join us and bring a friend or two, all are welcome.  Refreshments will be included thanks to two willing volunteers.  

BOOKS and JIGSAWS:  We now have a small collection of Books and Jigsaws for buying or borrowing;  if you are able to make a small donation that would be appreciated.  Do come and have a look to see if there is anything of interest to you.  The schoolroom is usually open 9.30 – 11 am on Monday mornings during term time or Friday mornings 10.30 – 12 noon.  If you have books, in good condition, or jigsaws that you would like to pass on do bring them along.

WARM SPACES:  This will continue on Fridays for all those who would like to meet together from 12 noon to 2.30 pm for a soup lunch.  Donations of  tins of soup or bread, tea/coffee or biscuits can be dropped off  at the Chapel on Fridays from 10.30 am.  This is a Churches Together initiative in conjunction with the Parish Council to whom we are most grateful for their financial support.  All enquiries to Cathy Craft email: 

For those people with hearing aids, we have an induction loop system installed and working in the chapel.

Schoolroom Bookings: A projector and screen are available.   For all enquiries, please contact Janet Banham,  Tel. 660205 or email .

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