
Cheddington Methodist Church

Cheddington Methodist Church

Minister Rev Noreen Daley-Lee   tel no:  01525 240083


God’s Calling!

The call of God comes in different seasons of our lives that compels us to change course.  Your trajectory might be a medical doctor, accountant, scientist, businessman/woman, musician, teacher, nurse or electrician – the truth is you can be an electric presbyter – all skills are needed on deck. Why not give God a chance? 

To each of us the call comes in a particular form but always in an irresistible constraint. The experience is real, as real as the bread we eat or the water we drink. Mine was a silent hush of God’s presence, as I sat on the couch – light as a feather his finger touched me. I was assured that it was no longer I in that space, but a phenomenon beyond self and outside self. I was persuaded beyond any doubt that God’s call was for me, undeniably unlettered as those who responded to the call ‘follow me and I will make you fish for people’.  

To each of us the call has its origins in the eternal counsels of God: before Jeremiah was born, he was a thought in the mind of God - “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”  (Jeremiah 1:4). The word consecrated here bears its original meaning, ‘set apart.’ Jeremiah is a predestined man.  God also knew you before the foundations of the earth and has set you a part for a purpose. At the tender age of twelve, as I was walking down the aisle of the Bethel Centenary Methodist Church, Montserrat, my uncle-in-law said to me, “Rose you have a voice to be a minister.”  I was therefore obliged to visited him before I started theological seminary. “Rose”, he said, “do you remember what I told you.”  

To each of us the call might be scary. Jeremiah was called to the prophetic ministry which is included in the ministry of the presbyter or deacon where we are called to be God’s messenger – God’s mouthpiece.  You may think that it is out of your league, unsuitable, or unimaginable but God calls. The prophet trembles before such a lofty call: unlike Isaiah but like Moses he shrinks from this awful responsibility.  The Greek renders better: ‘I am too young’.  The prophet is probably about 20 years of age: he is God’s chosen vessel and God uses him for His purpose. 

To each of us grace specialises.  With Isaiah grace is cleansing, with Jeremiah it is empowering. I still recall that Sunday morning in 1998, as I was preaching about the prodigal son, I was endowed with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Throughout biblical history those who responded to God’s call initially felt a great sense of inadequacy, but as Paul says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 

To each of us God’s calling is about God with us- “Do not say, ‘I am only a boy’; for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I command you, do not be afraid of them for I am with you to deliver you, says, the LORD.” God is projected as bossy here, but God is saying to Jeremiah, ‘I am going to be with you, so you don’t have to worry or be afraid’. Part of the protocol at the United Theological College of the West Indies (UTC), involved leading devotions on a team of four students and a lecturer in the chapel during the week. I was a member of the first team to begin the new academic year alongside the late Reverend Dr Llewellyn Williams, President of the UTC. “Sir, I am unqualified to be part of this team,” I said cowardly to Dr Williams.  “I don’t know who you are or where you are from, but one thing I do know, is that you are a seasoned prophetess,” he responded.  Reverend Dr Williams was reassuring me that God is with me.  One of the most beautiful aspects of ministry is the assurance that Yahweh is with us.  You may be feeling unqualified, inadequate and afraid, but God is with you. John Wesley said, “Best of all, God is with us.”

To each of us the task to which we are called might seem insurmountable, but God is with us.  The work the prophet is called to do was bigger than himself, is of both destructive and constructive nature.  Perhaps we should omit, ‘to destroy and to overthrow’.  For this reason, our calling is a vocation – it is not a job.  If it was a job many would have already quit. One does not retire but superannuate instead.  Yet it is one of the most fulfilling journeys you can embark on.  

To each of us, the call of God is progressive.  Some of us are satisfied by just being a member but, God might be calling you to be a steward, treasurer, youth leader, children’s worker or making teas and coffees. It all begins somewhere. The prophet Jerimiah is satisfied where he is.  He thought he is only a boy and didn’t have the necessary credentials for the progressive activity as a prophet. He thought he is too inexperienced.  But the call is marked by provisions: “Then the LORD put out his hand and touched my mouth; and the LORD said to me, “Now I have put my words in your mouth.”  God equips those who respond to his call. 

I cannot accentuate this enough; the Church needs you more than ever. History teaches us that the church is not sustained by the empty pews but people.  There is a seat at the chapel for you. Church is not as scary as you may think.  We are ordinary folks who go to the supermarket and pull weeds from our garden. Yet, we are called to join in this extraordinary tradition, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.”



 We welcome everyone to come along to our church to share in our worship and other activities. Services begin on Sundays at 10.30 am unless otherwise stated.

Sunday 2nd June Rev Arthur Cowburn – Service of Holy Communion
Sunday 9th June Mr Lafton Lee
Sunday 16th June Café Church – Local Arrangement
Sunday 23rd June Mr Arthur Sara
Sunday 30th June Mrs Lynda Hart – United Service
Sunday 7th July No Service at Cheddington - Joint Service 10.00 am at Wingrave Methodist Church – Rev Dr Hayford Offori-Attah – Service of Holy Communion
Sunday 14th July Mrs Antonia Allen
Sunday 21st July Café Church – Local Arrangement
Sunday 28th July Mr Ken Harris
Sunday 4th August 3.00 pm – Rev Richard Atkinson
Sunday 11th August Local Arrangement  - Joint Service with Wingrave at Cheddington
Sunday 18th August Café Church - Local Arrangement
Sunday 25th August Mrs Louise Atkinson – Reader Service


For all parents/carers of pre-school children and babies, join us in the Chapel schoolroom on Monday mornings 9.30 – 11.00 during term time for a gentle start to the week. There are toys, activities and refreshments (including toast!) and a warm welcome. Contact Cathy Craft email:   

OPEN DOORS – Friday morning 10.30 a.m – noon at the Methodist Chapel.
This is an opportunity for all to meet/socialise each Friday morning and have a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit/cake.  Contact Stuart Minall email: for more information.

MEN’S GROUP:  This usually meets on the first Friday of each month at 10.45 am to noon.  Contact: Chris Shepheard on 661849.

The Singalong Café, will be held on Tuesday 9th July 2.30 –4.30 pm at the Methodist Chapel. It will be led by Karen, Cathy and Trevor who are all accomplished musicians. Do come along and join us and bring a friend or two, particularly those who might otherwise be at home alone.  Refreshments will be included thanks to two willing volunteers.  Please note there will be no Singalong in August.

BOOKS and JIGSAWS:  We now have a small collection of Books and Jigsaws for buying or borrowing;  if you are able to make a small donation that would be appreciated.  Do come and have a look to see if there is anything of interest to you.  The schoolroom is usually open 9.30 – 11 am on Monday mornings during term time or Friday mornings 10.30 – 12 noon.  If you have books, in good condition, or jigsaws that you would like to pass on do bring them along.

WARM SPACES:  This will continue on Fridays for all those who would like to meet together from 12 noon to 2.30 pm for a soup lunch.  Donations of  tins of soup or bread, tea/coffee or biscuits can be dropped off  at the Chapel on Fridays from 10.30 am.  This is a Churches Together initiative in conjunction with the Parish Council to whom we are most grateful for their financial support.  All enquiries to Cathy Craft email: 

For those people with hearing aids, we have an induction loop system installed and working in the chapel.

Schoolroom Bookings: A projector and screen are available.   For all enquiries, please contact Janet Banham,  Tel. 660205 or email .

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