CRA Newsletter
Anybody who wishes to contribute something to the Newsletter or Guide should send the information to the editor Tony Johnson, 7 High Street. If possible please provide it in electronic form - either on disc or preferably by e-mail to
For advertising in the Newsletter contact the advertising manager. Their contact details, together with advertising rates are given at the end of this page.
(with effect from 1st MARCH 2024)
Boxed Display rates (based on A4 size paper) - Commercial Rates
1/2 page (13 x 19 cm landscape) - £38.89 per month (£350 per year)
1/4 page (13 x 9.4 cm portrait) - £20.00 per month (£180 per year)
1/8 page (6.4 x 9.4 cm landscape) - £11.67 per month (£105 per year)
A 10% discount is given on all commercial advertisements that run for a year (10 issues)
Boxed Display rates (based on A4 size paper) - Non-commercial Rates
1/2 page (13 x 19 cm landscape) - £21.50 per month
1/4 page (13 x 9.4 cm portrait) - £12.50 per month
1/8 page (6.4 x 9.4 cm landscape) - £8.00 per month
To place an advertisement please contact:
Christine Fee Tel 661759